Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening in Calgary

Have you ever wondered why you have dull, stained or even discolored teeth but none of the stars in the movies or shows do? The answer is pretty simple, professional teeth whitening! At Richmond Dental, we are proud to offer teeth whitening in Calgary for our patients that are interested in achieving a more healthy-looking, white and bright smile. Interested in scheduling your teeth whitening appointment with our Calgary professional dentists? Contact Richmond Dental today; we’d be happy to get you added to our schedule for an appointment.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Interested in achieving a brighter, whiter smile in just one appointment? With our in-office teeth whitening treatments, you can obtain a whiter smile in just about an hour! Prior to treatment, the gums and teeth will be protected, reducing your risk of discomfort, damage or sensitivity following treatment.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Interested in achieving a whiter and brighter smile without having to leave your own home? With professional take-home teeth whitening treatments you can! You’ll be provided with custom-tailored whitening trays and a professional whitening solution. How often you whiten your smile is completely up to you, you can do it once a week for 30 minutes or twice a week for 15 minutes.

Start Teeth Whitening Treatment in Calgary Today

Interested in teeth whitening Calgary that provides results? Contact Richmond Dental Calgary today to schedule your appointment, we are always welcoming new patients at our clinic and would be happy to get you added for a consultation.