Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges in Calgary ($3400)

h2>A Dental Bridge May Be the Solution You’re Looking For

If you’re missing a tooth and have noticed that it’s starting to affect not only your ability to chew properly, but the gap is also starting to negatively impact your self-esteem when you smile, it might be time to consider dental bridges in Calgary.

Are you wondering if a dental bridge might be the solution that you’ve been looking for? If so, keep reading to learn more about how Richmond Dental Calgary can help with your smile makeover in Calgary.

Why You Should Consider a Dental Bridge Versus a Dental Implant

When you’re missing a tooth, you have a few options to choose from: a dental implant in Calgary or a dental bridge in Calgary. The main advantage of a dental bridge restoration versus a dental implant restoration is that the bridge solution is much quicker to complete. In fact, a dental implant procedure can often take upwards of three months from the initial appointment to the final appointment, whereas a dental bridge procedure is much quicker.

There are a few downsides to dental bridges, however. First, it will be more difficult to clean the area immediately around the dental bridge. But you can rest assured that the caring and professional staff at Richmond Dental Calgary will provide you with complete follow-up and at-home care instructions to ensure maximum oral health. Another downside to a dental bridge versus a dental implant is that a dental bridge will need to be replaced in about 5-10 years, whereas a dental implant can last a lifetime.

How Richmond Dental Can Help Restore Your Smile in Calgary

We know that confidence is one of your most important assets. That’s why we offer a full array of restorative dentistry procedures such as dental bridges, dental implants, and full or partial dentures, to name a few.

Our commitment to every patient is to help them regain a healthy, functional smile that is natural in appearance.

The best way to determine which treatment is right for you and your lifestyle is to make an appointment in our conveniently located Calgary dentist’s office. Contact us today for dental bridges in Calgary.